Essential tremor

My name is Gianni, around the age of 22 I began to feel tremors in my hands in agitation or under muscular effort. I thought it was normal, then with growing age I noticed that this disorder increased. Turning my hands or twisting my forearm, I could see that the hand was shaking or the same movements were snapped.
At the age of about 30, the tremor became unsustainable and caused difficulties even at work. I decided to take a medical examination by the neurologist at the age of 31, who after a careful examination, diagnosed the essential tremor.
I asked what it was and what route I would have to face to eliminate it. The doctor told me that essential tremor is not a disease, but a chronic disorder of movement. 
Then she explained to me what it means chronic, that is, that has no solution or rather that will continue to persist even using drugs. The only benefit that could be obtained through drugs was an attenuation of the disturbance, but momentary. 
The drugs I had been prescribed were beta blockers which in itself are muscle relaxants, aliasing light drugs that also induce mental dullness. 
Of course I did not even take care that was bland. Inside of me, I felt that there was something wrong in the proposed treatment, more than anything else I felt that the term "chronic" or "without solution" was not real, and being a fighter, I decided to study my case. 
For a good 10 years I have carried out my will methodically and with perseverance, I have tested different solutions that they gave little results, then a choice that one day I did for another reason made me notice a marked improvement. 
From that moment on the turning point, once the problem was identified, I focused on studies and tests. I found what I call "bad habits" in my book, I started doing small interviews with the people I met in my life, who they had the essential tremor. Result? They too had my own "bad habits".


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  • Gianni D'Angelo

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