Essential tremor, it is known that medicine treats the symptom and not the cause. The main reason is the repetition of the symptom to sell the cure.
What does this article have to do with essential tremor? Wait! That the modern medina has the interest of treating the symptom and not the cause is known to everyone, and if you did not know it I'll tell you. this pearl of wisdom I do not say it but it is public opinion and doing research on the internet you will find various information about this idea of mine.
I have proof of this because I myself was often sick when I was a child, due to infections in my throat. My sweet mother did what all mothers would do and all mothers do, or take me to the doctor. Prescription of penicillin or antibiotics with poor results also because I also fell ill 2 or 3 times a year of the same symptom.
I was struggling to avoid being punctured, who ever did pennilillin injections? If you've done them, you know how bad they are. In my unconscious I felt that the prescribed cure was not the best, so I rebelled both for the pain and because in the end I often got sick, even 3 or 4 times a year.
At age 14 I started going to the gym and doing sports, at that moment everything changed, I did not get sick anymore. Once I met my doctor and told him, that with the treatment I was continually sick, even several times a year, and since I started doing sports I did not get sick anymore. He, looking at me surprised, said that stress causes lowering of immune defenses.
What problem can a teenager have? Not all teenagers have a happy life.
You can not imagine the feeling of well-being I had, feeling my body strong and at the same time immune to diseases and above all the safety that was growing in me.

Returning to the essential tremor do you believe that tremor is a disorder of some people, then about 3% of the population? I want to tell you that from what I've seen, the essential tremor is caused by elements external to the body and 3% of people are simply more sensitive to these elements.
I want to reveal to you that my essential tremor has not completely disappeared, I've only managed to make it fall back by 95%, all this through a different lifestyle. When I talk to people of a different lifestyle, they look at me in disbelief. When I talk to doctors about this book of mine and tell them that it is enough just to change their lifestyle, they nod knowing that diseases are induced by lifestyles different from the needs of their body. In my book you will read what I did to make the essential tremor fall back. All the attempts and studies undertaken in 10 years.
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