Percentage of population with essential tremor

What is the distribution of people with the essential tremor disorder? I did some research to find out if there was a correlation of my studies with lifestyles in other states. I am always more sure that the essential tremor is imputable and bad habits.

By doing some research, on the percentage of population with essential tremor, I obtained important information. In states with certain lifestyles the percentage of people affected by essential tremor is 2.2% and I'm talking about the United States of America and the UK. In Isdalra the population affected by essential tremor is very low and closely linked to the age of the population over 60 years.
In Italy, studies reveal that those affected by essential tremor range from 0.8% to 4.6%. The causes of these percentages are the age of the population. In Italy the population is elderly and therefore has a higher essential tremor. From interviews made personally in these years of study I discovered that the population in Italy struck by essential tremor has lifestyles suitable for this disorder.
As I said in other posts of this blog, the causes are different and all depend on the way of life of the person. So the essential tremor can be triggered by one or more incorrect habits! Eliminating these incorrect habits leads to the regression of essential tremor.
Pyramid population Italy

While for the population in states like, USA and UK the causes of the essential tremor are others always due to the lifestyle of the inhabitants in these states. 
US population pyramid

Pyramid UK population
Now instead I show the population pyramid in Isdraele, which is a state in which the population affected by essential tremor has a very low percentage, or less than 0.8% from 60 years of age.

The inhabitants of Israel have a different lifestyle from the inhabitants of the UK and the US, while the inhabitants of the USA and the UK have a similar lifestyle and an almost identical age distribution. While the Italian people are of a high age is a lifestyle for some sides similar to the lifestyle of inhabitants of UK, USA.
So an important factor for essential tremor is age. In fact, studies show that with age the essential tremor increases. I went to study what happens to the aging organism and I discovered an important cause that amplifies or triggers the essential tremor.
While in terms of the lifestyle of Americans and English the causes are to be found in their lifestyle, in Italy the cases of essential tremor are caused by the change that occurs in their body because of old age and American thread habits.
In my book you find the path I have taken to solve the disturbance of essential tremor.

temblor esencial

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